
Prosperity Principle #8:  “Giving More Gets You More”

The power of giving cannot be underestimated. Give away love, get lots of love back. Give away money, more $ comes back to you. Give away stuff, and it makes room for more and better things to come to into your life. P.S. Teach your kids to give away their toys and games so they … Read More

Prosperity Principle #5: Invest in You First

On Monday, February 6, 2023, the day after Super Bowl LVII, I saw a headline that stopped me in my tracks. I learned that 50 MILLION Americans bet $16 BILLION on the 2023 Super Bowl. That’s $320 per person on average. 50 MILLION Americans BET on a CHANCE — everything from scores to the flavor … Read More

Prosperity Principle #4: New Teacher. New Paradigm.  

How does a corporate executive who grew up in a traditional educational system learn how to prosper from a meat and seafood salesman hawking frozen food door-to-door?   That’s cognitive dissonance at play.   What should happen, what’s logical, is this. I BUY meat and seafood from a door-to-door salesman. If I know the man, trust him … Read More

No Prosperity Plan? 12 Principles You Can Use Today to Get You There.

Do you like the word, “PROSPERITY?” I do. Webster defines prosperity as the condition of being successful or thriving. What I like about that definition and the idea of “prosperity” is that YOU define what being successful or thriving means for you. For example, for one person prosperity could mean a satisfying career full of … Read More

4Cs Change Framework: Making Your Change Communications Work, Work

Creating Transformational Change Communications Programs That Work: A Fresh Approach for Emerging Leaders Did you know? In the world of big business, a startling truth emerging communications leaders face is 70% of all change programs fail. These failed programs cost businesses millions of dollars in lost time, money, and productivity. The difference between those programs … Read More

Prosperity Principle #3: Write. Recite. Repeat.

“Write. Recite. Repeat” Prosperity Principle #1 talks about the importance of having a clear direction or purpose you wish to pursue. Prosperity Principle #2 breaks down how important it is to first set your mind and your thoughts to what’s important to you. Before anything can come into being, it first must be a clear … Read More

Prosperity Principle #2: Change Starts with Changing What You Think

“Change Starts with Changing What You Think” There’s a person inside you, you know you can be. You can just about see her. You feel her. You are so close to being that person. And yet, you look in the mirror and see someone else. Are you with me? It’s 6:15 am, you’re brushing your … Read More

Prosperity Principle #1: Desire Drives You to Your Destination

“Desire Drives You to Your Destination” Everyone has a purpose. Having clarity around what that is, what you desire, is what drives you every day. What’s interesting – and sad even — is many people aren’t clear about what they want or why they have been put on this Earth. Some haven’t ever really thought … Read More