4Cs Change FrameworkTM Overview
$250M Success Story
Problem: A startling truth leaders face is 70% of change programs companies try to implement fail, costing businesses millions of dollars in lost time, money, and productivity.
Solution: To better manage the complexities of leading major change programs, you need to adopt the 4Cs Change FrameworkTM.

The 4Cs is an approach initially developed to successfully support a major change program for a $60 billion global company. The $250 million investment in this change was not only a physical one, but it also represented a huge cultural shift in how employees work together. The company banked on the success of this transformational change working to expand its growth plans in the U.S.
The program’s success brought about a cultural shift that led to significant growth of Bayer’s healthcare business. It was also awarded the Best Employee Communications Program of the year by Ragan Communications.
The 4Cs Change FrameworkTM is so effective it has been used time and again to support successful change efforts. The Framework coupled with the 12 Principles of Prosperity that activate it offer a simple, effective approach to help leaders communicate and drive successful organizational change. It can help you make change work in your personal life too!
Order your 24-page Digital Guide for Communicating Change today! Learn more using this interactive visual.
4Cs Change Framework
When applied with supporting behaviors, the 4Cs Change Framework provides an approach for creating and executing transformational change communications programs proven to work in achieving the intended result.
Click on each circle to learn more.

Know and Stick to the Goal.
Knowing and sticking to the goal is job #1. This may sound simple, but it can be one of the most challenging things to nail down. It’s important to know what the company is striving for and why it’s important. What’s the intended outcome and why is the change happening at all? If you don’t know where you’re heading, you’re never going to get there. Get clear on the goal so you can start working toward achieving it.
Engage and Involve Others.
Once you are clear on what you want, engage and involve others in pursuit of the goal. People can test ideas, theories and plans for you before you put them in place. People like to know what’s going on and why, show their support, or tell you if something doesn’t feel right. Getting perspectives from people who have different points of view is critical. One of the best ways to bring people along on a change journey is to invite them to problem-solve, bring up issues or concerns, and help you along the way as you’re developing and implementing your plans.
Care About the Impact.
Care about how what you’re doing impacts others, the people in your life and your community. Put yourself in other people’s shoes, help others without asking for or expecting anything in return. People won’t remember what you said or did as much as they will remember how you made them feel. Employees need to know you care and feel it. Caring also means taking care of yourself. You can’t serve others if you’re gasping for air or not well. Giving more of yourself in service to others is the best gift you can give yourself.
Take the Risk; Do What’s Right.
Nothing happens if nothing happens. You need to act for any change to take place. To grow, you need to take risks. Be smart about what you do. The actions you take should be aimed at getting one step closer to the goal. If it doesn’t feel like it will get you what you want or to where you’re going, or it doesn’t align with your beliefs and values, say NO. Stand up for your point of view and for people who may not have a voice as strong as yours. Speak up when something doesn’t feel right and help stop the proverbial train wreck you see coming down the track. You, your team, your employees, and your leaders will thank you for it.
For more information, join my Facebook community and connect with me LinkedIn (4) Mary Lou Panzano | LinkedIn.